Sunday, September 21, 2008

Make that three years!

Clearly, I don't have even the few minutes of free time I thought I had. Or maybe it's just because I always seem to get sidetracked with other things. Nonetheless, here I am again making an effort. So, instead of two years of catching up, now I have three!

Part of the reason why the blog was derailed was due to the Jerry Springer style smackdown at the MIL's during the trip to WI last year. I won't go into all the detail because this would turn into something entirely different and quite frankly, I'm not wasting anymore time on it.

So, our most recent "big event" was Cailin's first day of school. That's her on the right with one of her friends, Courson - aren't they just adorable?? Anyway, much to our surprise, she didn't cry a bit! She loved it and asks everyday when I pick her up..."mommy, can I go back to school?" I was so relieved considering she wouldn't even stay in church daycare over the summer.

And here's my little man, Connor with his serious face. He's getting so big!

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